
How to Increase Your Milk Supply FAST When Pumping

Increase your milk supply to make pumping faster and easier Increase your milk supply to make pumping faster and easier Increase your milk supply to make pumping faster and easier Increase your milk supply to make pumping faster and easier

Wondering how to increase your milk supply when pumping? Pumping while caring for an infant is a serious undertaking, whether you are building a freezer stash, pumping while at work or exclusively pumping (in which case, I bow down to you!). If you are wondering how to increase your milk supply fast, and collect as much milk as possible read the following tips.

how to increase milk supply fast

Increasing Your Milk Supply Quickly While Pumping

I worked hard to build a sizable freezer stash with my first baby (read about why here). I pumped consistently twice a day, every day. It was hard work, but with some tips and tricks, I was able to fill my deep-freeze with milk and send her to daycare with milk for six months after returning to work, without having to pump at work (I’m a kindergarten teacher–no time for pumping!).

Today I want to share my tips on how to quickly increase your milk supply fast while pumping so you can collect as much milk as possible!

Increase your milk supply to make pumping faster and easier

Tips on How to Increase Your Milk Supply FAST While Pumping 

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Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #1 Knowledge is Power

If you’re hoping to make pumping easier, it’s so important to understand everything you can about pumping. Educate yourself on the pumping process with this amazing and informative online course. The instructor is a certified lactation educator who really knows her stuff. The information is presented in quick and easy to understand videos that you can watch in short chunks (maybe while you’re pumping!). Definitely check this course out. You won’t regret it!

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #2 Set the Stage

If you want to increase your milk supply while pumping, you need to be calm and relaxed. Settle down on your couch, or if you are at work, a comfortable, private spot. You’ll want to have a drink of water (staying hydrated is important). You may want to look at pictures of your baby on your phone (I watched videos of my baby exhibiting hunger cues, which worked great) to trigger your letdown.

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #3 Don’t Stress

If you’re not producing anything, don’t stress. Take a break and try again later. If you’re not producing as much as you’d hoped, keep calm, Remember that a baby can extract much more breast milk than a pump can.

Also, in the first few days after birth, your milk hasn’t come in yet (Read more about newborn breastfeeding tips you NEED to know here). You will produce very small amounts of colostrum, which is enough for your baby, which has a stomach the size of a cherry. No need to worry that you have low supply!

Likewise, if you’re breastfeeding your baby full-time AND pumping to build a freezer stash, it is completely normal to only pump an ounce or two per day. Don’t panic, just keep following the tips below and gradually you will increase your supply.

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #4 Get in a Pumping Routine

You’ll have better results if you pump every day and at the same time. If you’re only pumping once in a while, don’t expect stellar results. You have to train your body to produce more than what your little one eats, so consistency is key in order to increase your milk supply.

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #5 The Earlier the Better

Another tip to increase your milk supply while pumping to to pump earlier. Your supply is greatest early in the day. You will be able to pump more if your pump session is soon after you wake.

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #6 Make Sure Your Pump Fits

A pump that fits you will help you pump much more milk (I like this one). Pumps have different sized pads/flanges, which should fit your nipples. Your pump won’t be able to extract as much milk (or any at all) if it is not fitting properly. Check your pump’s instruction manual for exact details for your specific pump. You may have to order extra parts, but this will be well worth it to produce more milk!

Related: Must-Have Items for Pumping Moms

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #7 Try Hand Expressing

Some moms find that with practice, hand expressing produces more milk than pumping with an electric pump. Definitely worth a shot!

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #8 Pump while Nursing

If you are not exclusively pumping, you can try pumping on one side while nursing on the other side. Many moms find this much easier, because your baby is helping you achieve letdown. You can do this with an electric pump, or a manual pump like the Haakaa. You can also use milk collectors like these to catch extra milk anytime you have a letdown.

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #9 Try Power Pumping

To increase your supply, try power pumping. This means you pump for ten minutes, take a ten minute break, pump again, take a break and pump one last time. Do this three times a day for two days and you should see a noticeable increase in your milk supply.

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #10 Use Heat

If you’re having trouble with your letdown, using heat can be helpful. You might take a warm shower before pumping, or use a warm towel (this is also great for engorgement).

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #11 Breast Compressions

When your pumping session is almost finished, doing some breast compressions can help get the last bit of milk out.

Increase Your Milk Supply Tip #12 Experiment with Foods/Supplements

Obviously you should check with your healthcare provider before starting any supplements. There are many foods and supplements that are said to help increase your milk supply. You may want to experiment and see what works for you. Here are a few suggestions:

Follow these tips and you will be able to increase your milk supply fast when pumping in no time! Happy Pumping!

Are you a pumping mama? Do you pump exclusively, occasionally or somewhere in between? 


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How to increase milk supply quickly

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  1. Cindy August 8, 2018
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  4. Sarah August 10, 2018
  5. Tara @Sew Many Pins August 10, 2018
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  7. lifecomingalive August 11, 2018
  8. shurterco August 14, 2018

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