Category: Breastfeeding


How to Build a Freezer Stash While Nursing

Are you working on building a freezer stash of breast milk? Building a freezer stash while nursing can be a daunting task, but is definitely doable! Read on to learn everything you need to know in order to build a freezer stash while nursing!

How to Survive Cramps While Breastfeeding

One of the most unexpected things about the postpartum period is the painful cramps you may experience during breastfeeding, sometimes almost as bad as labour pains. Learn why you are experiencing these cramps and how to cope with cramps during breastfeeding.

25 Genius Pumping Hacks You Need to Know Right Now

Breastfeeding is one thing, but pumping is a whole different ball game. Whether you are an exclusive pumper, occasional pumper or trying to build a freezer stash, pumping is no joke. In this post I share my top 25 pumping hacks to help you achieve your pumping goals.

How to Make Your Milk Come in Faster

Are you a new breastfeeding mama waiting for her milk to come in? Waiting for you milk to come in can seem like its taking forever, even though it’s only been a couple days since you gave birth. This post will explain what to expect in the first few days …

Pumping Must-Haves for Breastfeeding Moms

Are you an exclusively pumping mama, or are you breastfeeding your baby while trying to build up a freezer stash, either for emergencies, travel or when you return to work? Exclusive pumping or building a sizable stash is are enormous undertakings. Pumping can be very stressful and many mamas struggle …

Am I Producing Enough Milk? 5 Myths About Milk Production

One question that is constantly on every new mother’s mind is is my baby getting enough breast milk? Even worse, there are several signs that can have you doubting your milk supply, but do not actually indicate you have a problem with your milk supply. Read on to learn about …

Your Survival Guide to Breastfeeding a Newborn

Breastfeeding a newborn is one of the biggest challenges a new mother faces. Not only are you trying to keep a helpless tiny little human that you’ve just met alive, but you also have just gone through one of the greatest physical endeavors of your own life (plus crazy hormones, …